Iranian Christians request prayer for Christian convert Naser Navard Goltapeh, whose health is suffering in prison.

Naser has suffered from various ailments, but most recently has hearing problems in his left ear and loses his balance when walking. He was recently taken to Taleqani Hospital near Evin Prison for an MRI examination and awaits the results.

Naser, along with three Azerbaijani Christians, was arrested in June 2016 at a private celebration in Tehran. In May 2017, the four were each sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for “acting against national security through forming and establishing illegal house churches.

The Azerbaijanis left the country while on bail. An appeal court upheld the sentences in November 2017 and Naser started serving his term in Evin Prison the following January. Having served more than a third of his sentence, Naser has repeatedly requested parole and a sentence review, but these have been consistently denied.

Prayer Points

Iranian Christians request prayer:

  • For Naser’s health and that he will receive appropriate treatment

  • That the injustice of the prison sentence will be recognised and that Naser will be released