

Algerian Christians face challenges at various levels. Since 2006, any group wanting to use a building for non-Muslim worship must obtain permission…


Expatriate Christians enjoy considerable freedom in Bahrain, provided that their activities are restricted to designated compounds and, in particular, that they…


Christians have traditionally enjoyed good standing in society, with guaranteed representation in Parliament. However, restrictions apply to…


Officially recognised churches have been subjected to increasingly restrictive controls since 2011. Churches are effectively banned from using the Farsi…


The advance and military offensive of Daesh (so-called ‘Islamic State’) in June 2014 led to mass displacement, including of Christians whose heartlands…


Messianic believers have at times faced social prejudice and harassment. In some cases Jewish people seeking to enter Israel under the Law of Return…


Christians generally enjoy good standing in society, even having guaranteed representation in Parliament (at a disproportionately high level, given…


Expatriate Christians enjoy comparative freedom in Kuwait, provided that their activities are restricted to designated compounds and, in particular…


Christians generally enjoy good standing in society and a high degree of religious freedom. Blasphemy and contempt for religion provisions of the Penal Code…


Key challenges faced by the tiny group of national Christians are family and societal pressure. Family and clan ties are very strong in Libya.,,


Christians face severe restrictions in practice. While expatriate Christians are permitted to worship, such activities are restricted to designated…


Registered expatriate Christian communities enjoy considerable freedom in Morocco, provided that they avoid interaction with Muslims that could be construed…

N Cyprus

In recent years some reconstruction and renovation of Greek Orthodox church buildings has been permitted, especially in tourist areas, including a monastery…


Expatriate Christians enjoy considerable freedom in Oman, provided that their activities are restricted to designated compounds and that they avoid…


Some of the challenges facing Christians in Palestine vary by area according to the governing authorities. In recent years, Christian communities in the…


Expatriate Christians enjoy considerable freedom in Qatar, provided that their activities are restricted to designated compounds and, in particular, …

Saudi Arabia

Calls for expatriate Christians to be permitted to worship in public have not yet been accepted by the Saudi authorities. Expatriate Christians…


Due Somalia’s strong clan and family culture, Somalis who choose to leave Islam are likely to face strong family and societal pressure, including…


Sudanese Christians face intense pressures. Recognised Christian communities have increasingly been marginalised and their freedom to worship obstructed…


Syria’s Christian communities face multiple challenges within the context of the current conflict. In the majority of the country that is under government control…


Both expatriate and local Christian communities enjoy relative freedom in Tunisia, provided that they avoid activities that could be construed as…


Christians in Turkey enjoy a considerable degree of freedom, though pressures persist. Those who choose to leave Islam face family and societal pressure…


Expatriate Christians enjoy considerable freedom in the UAE, provided that they avoid activities that could be construed as proselytism. In recent years…


Pressures faced by Christians come principally from non-state actors, given the weak application of the rule of law in many parts of the country…