Christians in Sudan have asked for prayer after the demolition of a church building.

On the 11 February 2018, just a few hours after the church service, police trucks arrived at the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church in Hajj Yousef, close to Khartoum. The police confiscated all the books, equipment and chairs found inside the church and then demolished the building.

No prior notice had been given and a court case is ongoing contesting the scheduled demolition of this church, first announced in 2016.

In 2016, during a court case, the Sudanese authorities produced a list of 25 churches that were scheduled for demolition on the basis that they allegedly violated zoning regulations. In early 2017 two more churches were added to this list. In May 2017 these last two churches were demolished. The church that was demolished on 11 February was the first church on the original list of 25 churches to have been demolished.

Prayer Request

Sudanese Christians asked us to pray that:

a. Justice will be done and the authorities will cease their campaign of demolishing or confiscating church buildings and other church property.
b. Wisdom and encouragement for Church leaders in the face of an ongoing government campaign against the churches in Sudan.