Iranian Christians request prayer for Milad Goodarzi whose home in Karaj was raided on 11 December by four members of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence. Milad was arrested and has been taken to an unknown destination.

Milad had been released from Karaj Central Prison in March 2023 as part of a general amnesty granted to prisoners for the 44th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. He was serving a three-year prison sentence (reduced on appeal from five years) after being convicted in June 2021 of “engaging in propaganda against the Islamic Republic” under the newly amended Article 500 of the Penal Code.

Milad had already served a four-month prison sentence in 2020 on the same charge. The 2021 amendments to Article 500 increased the maximum prison sentence from one to five years. Milad is one of the first Christian converts known to have been penalised for the peaceful expression of his faith under the new provisions.

Prayer Points

Please pray that:

  • God will uphold Milad during interrogation and give him wisdom in his responses,
  • God will encourage and comfort Milad’s family,
  • No new charges will be brought against Milad on account of his faith and related activities,
  • The Iranian authorities will cease harassing and persecuting their citizens on account of their religious beliefs.