Four Christians in Darfur accused of apostasy will have their first court hearing on 30 August. The prosecutor and investigator will present evidence, after which the judge will decide whether to continue the case or acquit the defendants.

The four were arrested on 22 June following a raid on a Baptist Church in Zalleingei, accused of apostasy and subsequently released on bail. They were physically mistreated during their detention.

They are charged under Penal Code Article 126 criminalizing apostasy, even though that article was abolished in 2019. Due to fears of community and police harassment, the four believers remain in hiding.

There continue to be other reports of harassment of Christians in Darfur.

Prayer Points

Please pray:

  • For the judge to dismiss the case against them
  • For physical and emotional healing
  • For Christians in Darfur to be strengthened and encouraged in the midst of continued harassment and for harassment of Christians to stop.