On 10 April, a group of Islamic extremists (Shabab Al Hilla) attacked Christians praying in a church in Hajj Abdallah – Gezira. The group had previously attempted through local authorities to close the church.

With the church continuing to meet, the group turned to violence, beating Pastor Estefanos and damaging church property (including Bibles, chairs and tables). They also attacked three women. All four require medical treatment. 

A police officer among the extremists has also filed a court case against Pastor Estefanos for disturbing public order and a general noise complaint. Pastor Estefanos was detained but later released on bail.

A court hearing scheduled for 14 April has been postponed several times. The police officer who lodged the complained did not attend the last hearing. The next hearing is on 25th April.

Prayer Points

Please pray for:

  • healing for those injured during the attacks
  • wisdom for the lawyers representing Pastor Estefanos
  • for the case to be dropped and the Christians to be allowed to meet for worship safely