Iranian Christians request prayer for Christian convert Reza Zaeemi (40) from Karaj who turned himself in at Karaj Central Prison on 2 June to start serving a nine-month sentence.

In November 2020, Reza was arrested by plainclothes security agents. He was blindfolded, handcuffed, and interrogated for four hours, then held in a detention centre belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and in Ghezel Hesar Prison for a total of 17 days before being released on bail of 60 million tomans.

 On 25 January Reza was sentenced to 18 months’ prison for “propaganda against the Islamic Republic by promoting evangelical Christianity.” He was also given a two-year travel ban.

On 25 April, the conviction was upheld, but the prison sentence reduced to nine months.

According to human rights organization Article Eighteen, Reza initially reported to prison at the end of May but there was no judge present to process his admission.

An Iranian pastor, who was himself imprisoned in Karaj Central Prison for several years, requests prayer for Reza, saying that especially during the first days of imprisonment there is significant mental pressure.

Prayer Points

 Prayer is requested that:

  • The Lord will strengthen and encourage Reza as he adjusts to prison.
  • The Lord will protect Reza, strengthening his faith and giving him opportunities to be a witness to the other prisoners.
  • Iranian authorities will stop persecuting Christian converts and regarding evangelical Christianity as a crime against the regime