Iranian Christians request prayer for Christian converts Homayoun Zhaveh (62) and his wife Sara Ahmadi (42) who have been summoned to serve prison sentences due to their house church activities. Homayoun suffers from advanced Parkinson’s disease.

In June 2019, Homayoun and Sara were holidaying with some friends in Amol on the Caspian Sea when they were arrested by intelligence agents. 

Homayoun and Sara were detained, first in Sari, near Amol, and then in Evin Prison in Tehran. Homayoun was released after a month, but Sara was held for 67 days, 33 in solitary confinement, and subjected to severe psychological abuse.

In November 2020 Homayoun was sentenced to two years’ prison for house church membership and Sara was sentenced to 11 years for her alleged leadership role in the house church. In addition, they are banned from foreign travel or membership of any social or political group for two years after their release, as well as required to perform six months’ community service at a centre for the mentally disabled.

0n 30 December 2020 Sara’s prison term was reduced to eight years on appeal but the other sentences were upheld.

On 19 March they were told they would have to report to Evin Prison within days. There are grave concerns for Homayoun’s health and how he will be able to cope in prison.

Their lawyer has requested a retrial.

Prayer is requested that:

  • a retrial will be held and that the sentences will be revoked.
  • God will strengthen and encourage Homayoun and Sara at this difficult time.
  • Iranian authorities will stop persecuting Christian converts like Homayoun and Sara for the peaceful practice of their faith.


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