Iranian Christians request prayer for two believers who were arrested last week in Mashhad and Karaj.

Behnam Ersali and Davood Rasooli, both Christian converts from Karaj, had arranged to meet in Mashhad, but it is believed that Iranian intelligence had intercepted the calls and learned of the arrangement.

Behnam Ersali was already in Mashhad on 16 November, staying at a friend’s house, when six security agents raided the house and arrested Behnam and a friend. After a few hours in detention, the friend was released, but Behnam remains detained and his whereabouts are unknown.

Two security agents arrested Davood Rasooli at 6 a.m. at his home in Karaj as he was preparing to go to Mashhad. They took him away, but later returned to search his house and confiscate some books and other personal belongings. Friends believe that he is in solitary confinement and undergoing interrogation in Rajai Shahr Prison.

Behnam Ersali had previously been fired from his job on account of his Christian faith.

Prayer Points

Iranian Christians request prayer for Behnam and Davood that:

  1.       They will know God’s strengthening power and wisdom to stand up to interrogation
  2.       God will encourage their families and friends and protect those close to the two men
  3.       They will be released soon from a detention which appears to be solely based on their Christian faith and desire to meet other Christians


Open source: Mohabat News