Iranian Christians request prayer for four Christian converts from the self-styled “Church of Iran” who were arrested in their homes, in Karaj on 12th December 2017.

Authorities went to the homes of Amin Khaki, Milad Goudarzi, Shahab Shahi and Alireza Nourmohamadi, where house church meetings were taking place. After arrests, the men were taken to an unknown location. They have informed their families of their well-being, but remain detained pending the laying of charges.

One of those arrested, Amin Khaki, has previously been imprisoned for his faith. He was first arrested on 10th May 2010 in Karaj, charged with anti-government activity and given a one-year suspended sentence that was eventually suspended for five years. On 5th March 2014, he was again arrested and detained while attending a picnic with other Christians, near Shoush, Khuzestan province. Amin was then released on bail on 3rd January 2015 with a court hearing following in May. On 4th October 2015 he was sentenced to one year in prison (including time already served) on charges of “action against national security” and released in July 2016.

Prayer Request:

Iranian Christians request prayer that:

  1. no charges will be brought against the four men
  2. they will be released and returned to their families
  3. the Lord would watch over them as they are being detained and give their families peace
  4. the Iranian authorities will stop intimidating Christian converts, and will respect the right of all in Iran to freedom of religion
  5. all officials involved will love mercy, act justly, learn about Jesus and choose to follow Him